Pobeda JSC is one of the leading manufacturers of biscuits, pralines, wafers and mini cakes in Bulgaria. The company was founded in 1929. The experience and knowledge accumulated over decades, combined with dedication and care, create the matchless and memorable taste of the products found in almost every Bulgarian home.
The corporate policy of Pobeda JSC ensures its commitment to consistent production of high quality food. The provision of quality and safe products on the market is seen as a high responsibility to clients and customers, so the company selects diligently the appropriate partners, high quality materials and the best professionals in the sector of confectionery production.
The quality control is not only a continuous process – it is part of the corporate culture, thinking and actions of all employees of the organization. The company has its own physicochemical and microbiological laboratory, which is in charge of executing continuous monitoring of the raw materials and the end products.

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