Mevlana Tea brand, a flavor you know from Europe; It is considered one of the best quality teas in the world, according to the analyzes of experts and institutes with the tea it uses.
Mevlana Tea, which is obtained by hand picking the first tea sprouts that bloom after the rains in the natural tea gardens of Sri Lanka, the production center of the highest quality teas; It is cleaned from dust with a specially prepared blending machine for Goran Tee in Berlin and packaged in European Standards.

Goran Tee Mevlana Plain Leaf Tea has a factory in Berlin, an office in Frankfurt, and locations in Europe and Turkey: As Ceylon Tea produced in German standards, it is one of the most consumed black teas for years.
Our biggest mission is to carry our Ceylon tea, which is the best-selling tea in Europe, to a higher quality by preserving its current aroma and taste in a dust-free way.

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