Therefore, Yum Yum develop our product relentlessly to make good quality and safety. And meet consumer satisfaction. From our determination and dedication make Yum Yum has still won consumer’s heart until now. These elements have brought into entire process of food chain. Our quality management system begins with selecting good quality raw materials from potential suppliers to control of material processing from sources. So, we work together with suppliers in order to obtain quality materials that meet regulatory requirements and comply with law without adulteration. However, to ensure that quality and safety of materials entire of supply chain, we conduct supplier inspecting and auditing on-sites regarding production process. These inspecting activities are greatly contributing to help suppliers to create materials with good quality and safety. Prior to become instant noodles, there are many processes of monitoring materials and quality control repeatedly to come as qualified products.​ In Thailand, Yum Yum is popular for its rich flavor from genuine ingredient to become the famous delicious product, variety, and intention to develop product that good for health to meet consumer satisfaction. In overseas markets, Yum Yum presents both unique authentic Thai and Asian-style tastes with well-selected spices and ingredients. So, Yum Yum is widely accepted in over 60 countries worldwide.​ Yum Yum dedicates to improve continuously to generate a consumer-needed service and comply with regulation/ law.

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