• Yonca Maisöl – 4,5 L


    Yonca Maisöl  in Lange quadratische PET-Flasche:

    Yonca-Maisöl wird mit modernen Anlage in der organisierten Industriezone in Türkei hergestellt und verpackt.  YONCA Maisöl; Verwenden Sie es bedenkenlos zum Braten, für Gebäck, für Salate sowie für alle warmen und kalten Gerichte.

    Nährwertangaben (pro 100 ml)

    Energie                                                                3473 Kj / 827 kcal
    Fett                                                                               91 g
    Gesättigtes Fett                                                           13 g
    Einfach ungesättigtes Fett                                         28 g
    Mehrfach ungesättigtes Fett                                     50 g
    Kohlenhydrat                                                               0 g
    Zucker                                                                           0 g
    Protein                                                                           0 g
    Salz                                                                               0 g


    Insgesamt: 21.99
    In den Warenkorb

Yonca Food Industries Inc. was established in 1981. Originally a family owned business, Yonca Food has grown into a large company and today it ranks among Turkey’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises.
Since 1981, Yonca continuously strives for ways to improve its production quality standards and live up to its company motto: “First comes health”. Yonca continuously invests in new production and R&D technologies, aiming to attain world-class quality standards.
Today, Yonca Food has a total of 3 manufacturing facilities where edible oils and olive oils; canned vegetables and fruits; ketchup and mayonnaise; tomato paste and other tomato products; dressings and sauces; roasted vegetables and pickled products are produced.
Every day, millions of customers around the world enjoy Yonca’s wide range of good quality and delicious products.

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