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2,29 €
SUNTAT Ayran-Joghurtgetränk Becher – 250 ml
0,59 €Ayran, ein Getränk aus Vorderasien, vor allem bekannt aus der Türkei und dem Kaukasus, wird traditionell aus einer Mischung von Joghurt, Wasser und Salz hergestellt. Sein leicht säuerlicher und salziger Geschmack macht es zu einer erfrischenden Ergänzung zu vielen Gerichten, insbesondere zum Döner. Es ist bekannt für seine erfrischende Wirkung und seinen unverwechselbaren Geschmack.
0,59 € -
1,85 €
2,49 €
1,49 €
1,49 €
3,69 €
1,69 €
1,49 €
SUNTAT is a family business from the Rhein-Neckar region with headquarters in Mannheim Neckarau. It was founded in 1986 by the five brothers of the Baklan family (Halil, Mustafa, Muharrem, Ali and Kadir) as a retail company. Today, SUNTAT is a globally operating, international group of companies in which 30 family members still work. Altogether, the fourteen companies employ around 1,800 people, 100 of them in Mannheim.
SUNTAT is an invented word and composed of the syllables “SUN” for the hometown of the family Baklan, namely Sungurlu, and the syllable “TAT” which is the Turkish word for taste. Thus, the brand symbolizes the origin of the Mediterranean food, which is still today form the core of the company. Over time, these foods have also been increasingly produced under the bio-seal, as the preservation of our nature is a main concern of the company. Under the sign of the rising sun, the food retailer SUNTAT is now selling 3,000 products – and is available in more than 50 countries worldwide.
There are currently 6 production plants in the group, of which 5 are located in the typical production areas in Turkey. In Europe, the holding has 6 locations; among them the largest location is the BLG Kardesler Lebensmittelhandelsgesellschaft mbH in Mannheim, whose managing directors are the brothers Mustafa and Kadir Baklan. At this location alone, more than 100 employees are employed. There are more than 1,200 employees in production and sales worldwide.Mustafa Baklan is co-founder of the Association of Turkish Entrepreneurs Rhein-Neckar e.V. (TID), whose honorary chairman he is.In Germany, BLG Kardesler Lebensmittelhandelsgesellschaft mbH is one of the largest providers of Turkish food. Our secret for success is: German discipline with Turkish flexibility!