• 0,97  (zzgl. Pfand: 0.15 €)
    Insgesamt: 0.97
    In den Warenkorb
  • Spezi Cola-Orangen-Mix – 1L

    1,25  (zzgl. Pfand: 0.25 €)
    Energie (KJ) per 100 g/ml 170 KJ
    Energie (kcal) per 100 g/ml 40 kcal
    Fett per 100 g/ml 0.1 g
    Fett, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren pro 100 g/ml 0.01 g
    Kohlenhydrate pro 100 g/ml 9.9 g
    Kohlenhydrate, davon Zucker per 100 g/ml 9.8 g
    Eiweiss pro 100 g/ml 0.1 g
    Salz pro 100 g/ml 0.01 g

    Wasser, Zucker, Orangensaft*, Zitronensaft*, Kohlensäure, Farbstoff E 150d, Säuerungsmittel Phosphorsäure und Zitronensäure, natürliches Aroma, Aroma Koffein, Citrusextrakt, Stabilisator Johannisbrotkernmehl.
    *aus Fruchtsaftkonzentrate

    1,25  (zzgl. Pfand: 0.25 €)
    Insgesamt: 1.25
    In den Warenkorb

Obala Group d.o.o. is one of the best-known beverage distributors in Croatia and the Western Balkans region. Founded in 1994 as Obala Promet, it became the first importer of Orangina to Croatia. Today, Obala Group boasts its export activities that include not only the Adriatic region, but also many countries worldwide: the United States, Singapore, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Austria, Italy, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, and Cyprus.
In the mid-1990s, Orangina was a completely new product on the Croatian market. A carefully planned strategy of introducing that unique brand resulted in Orangina’s rapid popularity in Croatia.
Following the success of Orangina in Croatia, Obala Promet expanded its business to the neighbouring markets. The offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina opened in 1996 and in Slovenia in 1997.

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