In the year 1961 D. Alfonso García López installed a factory for canned fish and SEAFOOD, thus initiating the activity of what is now an important industrial complex and giving life to the PESCAMAR brand. In the year 1967 factory was moved from Burgo in Pontevedra, to the municipality of Poio, in the province of Pontevedra, located in the Rías Gallegas area, where supplies some of the raw materials he transforms.

The growth of PESCAMAR has been constant. In 1,967 it had 1,500 m2 and in only two years, it doubles the surface. In a third phase reaches 8,500 m2 and today has 15,000 m2. From its beginnings and until today, this industrial complex has been expanded and renewed year by year, becoming a modern business structure, present throughout the national territory and in more than 35 countries around the world.

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