• Hengstenberg Essig Himbeere – 250 ml


    Essig aus 1/3 Wein, 2/3 Branntwein, 5 % Säure, naturvergore

    Brennwert in kcal 30
    Brennwert in kJ 127
    Fett in g 0
    davon gesättigte Fettsäuren in g 0
    Kohlenhydrate in g 2,6
    davon Zucker in g 1,2
    Eiweiß in g 0
    Salz in g 0,00
    Insgesamt: 1.85
    In den Warenkorb

Hard to believe, but we have been producing vinegar with the greatest passion for over 140 years. Vinegar was one of our founding products and is still an integral part of our range.
Whether as a dressing for a salad, as a seasoning ingredient in a marinade, as a creative aperitif or for pickling vegetables from your own garden – vinegar is a real all-round talent. And we have the right vinegar for every occasion!

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