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10,69 €
Vital Kashmiri Tee (Rosa Tee) – 100 g
2,39 €Vital Kashmiri Tea (Pink Tea) ist ein traditionelles Teegetränk, das seinen Ursprung in Kashmir hat. Es wird aus Gunpowder Tee (zu kleinen Kugeln gerollte Grünteeblätter), Milch und Backpulver hergestellt.
Milch und Wasser in einem Topf verrühren und erhitzen, bis sich Blasen bilden. Vital Pink Tee in den Topf geben, mit einem Deckel abdecken und einige Sekunden köcheln lassen. Zucker in die Teetasse geben und die heiße Mischung durch ein Sieb in die Tasse gießen, damit der Tee besser sprudelt. Heiß servieren.
Menschen, deren Immunsystem geschwächt ist, sollten täglich rosa Tee zu sich nehmen. Rosa Tee stärkt die Knochen: Rosa Tee enthält Magnesium, Vitamin C, Kalium und Natrium.
2,39 € -
Vital Grüner Tee – 220g
6,49 €Über das Produkt: Dieser Tee enthält die natürliche Essenz und das Erbe von Peshawari Kahwa. Die aromareichen Teeblätter werden von Hand gepflückt, um eine hohe Qualität zu gewährleisten.
Lagerung: An einem kühlen, trockenen Ort aufbewahren
6,49 €
Vital Group had a very humble beginning as a small tea company that began its operations in 1991. Our value-oriented approach towards business has been very well received by the communities who we serve. Thus, within a short period, we have become one of the largest tea companies in the country. We are one of the national companies that exports tea to lands other than Pakistan!
Although a very recent initiative, the response to our other product, Vital Beauty Soap, has also turned out to be equally warm and encouraging as has been in the case of tea product.
As a business story, VG has been receiving attention of academics also. For instance, Vital Tea’s electronic media campaign was presented by a known social scientist at a colloquium in Islamabad as an outstanding example of ‘socially responsible advertisements’. I thank you for this academic attention.
As a Chairman of VG, I am both very happy and humbled by the progress that VG has made over the years. I, truly and sincerely, believe that our success is but a story of how passion and people can derive a small business to greater heights.
I Thank Allah Almighty for converting our efforts into outcomes!