The success of Ayan Group was not created today. The launch of success was in 1945, when Mr. (Mohieddin Al-Surour), one of the most important producers and cooks in the field of food industries, after which Messrs. Muhammad and Abdul Hamid Mohieldin established (AL-Bait al Kuwaiti Company) in Kuwait in 1976. Specialized in the food industry, so that success grows, generation after generation, and the experience of success is repeated in Syria through the establishment of the companies (Set Al Bait) and (Set Al Sham) in 1990, to reach today the third generation of the company’s management, and we establish a new stage of development under the name Ayan Trading Group ( No Name), which was one of its successes, ‘’the International setalkel” project, and Mr. (Mahmoud Abdul Hamid) is the chairman board of directors

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